As you may know, I was born and raised in Colorado and that is all I've known for all my life, as far as living everyday goes. Until now... An opportunity arose for my husband, David, and I to pick up everything and move across the country to Florida! We had always joked about moving to Florida for so many reasons: the warmth, the palm trees, the beaches, Disney... For some reason, it just never seemed possible. In fact, we had just bought a new home in Colorado and had only been in it for a year before moving out.
But, now that I we are actually here and enjoying the sun and sand on a daily basis, I have to say, I'm glad we did it. I've been missing my family so much here. I miss the running with my dad, I miss the shopping and talks with my mom. And most of all, we both really miss family holidays and events. Even something so simple like going out to dinner with them, which was a regular occurrence, is now not possible without a three day drive or a plane ride.
We knew those things would be hard and I'm looking to God to try and get through those hard moments with phone calls and text threads. But even so, it was a big step for us and we are young. I'm glad we made the move to explore a life we never knew possible for us!
I miss the mountains and the hugs from family, of course, but God has us on a plan here and I believe if we just lean in close, He'll guide through this new territory. From wildflowers and snow to seashells and palm trees, it's a big change. But, I also think this will be a great adventure for us!