It's been a while... Have I still been writing? Yes. Have I been writing as much as I'd like to? No. Have I gained the progress with my sequel that I've wanted to? No... The truth is, I've been working like a crazy person; working on my full-time job that is all non-fiction. I've been acting like all this time I've been passionate about my book and working on finishing it all the time. But, it's time to be honest and the truth is that I just haven't given it as much time as I should or as I'd like to. And I'm sorry for that... It's time for me to get back in the writing game; to write until my fingertips hurt and my eyes are sore. I know it's my passion and my love so why wouldn't I? The truth is I want to write more for myself and those that read my words of passion, but I also want to finish telling Poppy's story; I want to do it for her. And if I can't even finish my character's stories for them, then what kind of author am I?
I've been focussing a lot on my journal and other stories to read and gain insight from. For example, I've been reading through the Outlander series by Diana Gabalodon which has helped me with my historical fiction romance fix. And I've also been reading, I'll Be Your Blue Sky by Marisa de los Santos. But reading isn't writing and in order for me to write more, I have to write more! I know, shocking. But it's what I've been lying to myself about. I've been telling myself that if I think about writing then I still am...what a joke. Yes, I've been working a lot. No, that can't be any excuse.
So, this is my promise to myself to finish editing Disrupting Chaos and get it into the world. This is my promise to rediscover myself after a big move into my dream house. Moving is over, I have no more excuses. We are settled and I'm going to settle myself on the couch in front of my fireplace and write!